Doing it.

Before the Hike

I didn’t think I was going to do it, but I’m doing it. Writing a blog, that is. And hiking the Appalachian Trail too.

More than anything, this is a way for me to catalog my days walking through the forest so I can remember them later. And I guess it’s also for friends and family to check to assure themselves that I’m not dead.

So, here it is. Follow along (and if you’re so inspired, join me for a few days on the trail. I’m serious.).

Trying to tame the beast that is resupply boxes. Trying to tame the beast that is resupply boxes.
My first attempt at fitting everything in my pack, and it all fits! This is truly a miracle. My first attempt at fitting everything in my pack, and it all fits! This is truly a miracle.

8 thoughts on “Doing it.

  1. Good luck to you. Yours is one of several AT blogs I am following this summer. I still have the dream to hike the AT but the years flew by and age and bad knees have me wondering if it is still possible. I am taking a break from writing (novel #4 is out to the publisher for editing) to research my next novel and do some paint and fix on the PA house. Looking forward to hearing about your walk.


  2. What a wonderful adventure Ali! Your friends back in Lawrence will be thinking about you as you undertake this incredible journey.


  3. Travel is more than having a destination in mind; it’s discovering a place in your heart you’ve never been before. May god bless you and keep you strong through your amazing journey. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing! Love you, be safe! Roz

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