Day 12: Pizza Party!

Hike Days

We did an easy 17.9 miles today on mostly flat terrain today. The zero day yesterday did wonders for my blisters, and I didn’t have any trouble with my knee today! Yahoo! 

As the trail leaves Harper’s Ferry, it goes by a lot of old Civil War sites. I got to see Jefferson Rock, where Thomas Jefferson sat and was inspired by the view of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers running together. I also got to see the armory that John Brown seized (even if just for three days). Very cool history in Harper’s Ferry! I think my parents would like it there.

When we got to the campground tonight, we found that Two Shoes and Mufasa and his wife were there. The campground is ran by the state, and it’s free! It has flush toilets, sinks and showers, which is pretty much unheard of…especially for free. Darwin had read that a pizza place would deliver to the campsite, so six of us ordered pizza. I needed to eat weight out of my wayyyyy too heavy food bag, so I ate “first dinner” from my food bag and had a second dinner of pizza. There are still a few slices left, which I plan to eat for breakfast.

Tomorrow, we will walk fewer miles, but there’s some cool historical monuments on the way, including the original Washington Monument and museum. 

That’s all for tonight. I’m feeling good, my stomach is full, and I’m dry and warm!

  Jefferson Rock 

 John Brown armory 

 Darwin and Snuggles walking across the old railroad bridge.    Darwin, Snuggles and Roub eating pizza!